Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My Sweet Grand-Daughters

My daughter who lives in France send me these cute 
pictures of my two grand-daughters, I haven't seen 
them for about six month now.
We'll be traveling soon to be with them.
I hope time flies before we travel and 
slows down when we're there...

Here is Anais fixing her party crown
and Eloise with her balloon.
Last time I saw her she could just walk...

When I feel sad that they live in an other country 
I tell myself, it's just a 7 hour flight to see them.

I hope all your children live close to you.


  1. Hi...
    They are so adorable. Yeah...I'm lucky to be living near my mom but my eldest son will be living for Egypt to further his study soon. He will be away for 6 yeears n I do know that I'll miss him like crazy since this will be the first time he'll be away from us.

  2. Dearest Angela,

    We too well know that feeling and for us it's more than just a 7 hour flight. But I guess we value our times together a lot more!
    Precious grandchildren and the fact is, they change so quick at their age... but you get to see them digital at least and can hear them. Do you Skype? Nowadays you can from your iPhone too and such a video call is great.
